2006-11-18 23:21:26 UTC
Perhaps we can get interest in this group started.
About GMRS:
GMRS was created specifically for the use of families and individuals.
This service allows the group to use a small, easy to use, and relatively
inexpensive two-way radio for the purposes of voice communication between
members of the group. These radios, in many cases, give the group a
choice of channels to use, to help avoid interference from other groups,
as well as other features.
The General Mobile Radio Service is a service developed for use by the
general public at large. This service is not intended as a "hobby"
service; and currently, usage reports indicate this is a typical trend.
Users of GMRS typically wish only to communicate with others of their own
Remember: GMRS is a PERSONAL RADIO SERVICE! GMRS is not intended for
use by any business, group, or organization.
WARNING: You may ONLY use GMRS radios in the United States and Canada!
Use of GMRS radios in other nations could interfere with services such as
Fire, police. military, etc. Penalties for unauthorized communications in
some nations can be very harsh!
GMRS REQUIRES An FCC issued License! An $85 fee is required to acquire
this license. You may go here to get your license. Using GMRS
frequencies without a license can result in financial penalties of
$10,000 per offense!
A GMRS radio can cost anywhere between about $20 to over $1000 depending
on features and capabilities. Accessories and other components vary in
price. To be able to legally operate on GMRS, you must use equipment
type accepted for use on GMRS. Many commercial-grade radios are useable
on GMRS.
(This information is taken from the "GMRS Consumer Information" web
site. The URL is omitted to defend against spammers.
This is a site created by myself. I have no interests other than to
promote the legal use of GMRS)
About GMRS:
GMRS was created specifically for the use of families and individuals.
This service allows the group to use a small, easy to use, and relatively
inexpensive two-way radio for the purposes of voice communication between
members of the group. These radios, in many cases, give the group a
choice of channels to use, to help avoid interference from other groups,
as well as other features.
The General Mobile Radio Service is a service developed for use by the
general public at large. This service is not intended as a "hobby"
service; and currently, usage reports indicate this is a typical trend.
Users of GMRS typically wish only to communicate with others of their own
Remember: GMRS is a PERSONAL RADIO SERVICE! GMRS is not intended for
use by any business, group, or organization.
WARNING: You may ONLY use GMRS radios in the United States and Canada!
Use of GMRS radios in other nations could interfere with services such as
Fire, police. military, etc. Penalties for unauthorized communications in
some nations can be very harsh!
GMRS REQUIRES An FCC issued License! An $85 fee is required to acquire
this license. You may go here to get your license. Using GMRS
frequencies without a license can result in financial penalties of
$10,000 per offense!
A GMRS radio can cost anywhere between about $20 to over $1000 depending
on features and capabilities. Accessories and other components vary in
price. To be able to legally operate on GMRS, you must use equipment
type accepted for use on GMRS. Many commercial-grade radios are useable
on GMRS.
(This information is taken from the "GMRS Consumer Information" web
site. The URL is omitted to defend against spammers.
This is a site created by myself. I have no interests other than to
promote the legal use of GMRS)